Prostatitis is a disease of the urological spectrum characterized by the onset and development of inflammation localized in the tissues of the prostate in men. When it comes to the frequency of visits among the urological diseases, the disease comes first. Often, prostatitis in men begins to disrupt simultaneously with the appearance of other diseases of the reproductive system. Why does male disease develop so quickly? What are the main causes of prostatitis in men?

general information
According to WHO statistics, 60-75% of men of childbearing age are faced with the problem of prostatitis. The disease is diagnosed in a third of the men used, 30 percent of whom are under 40 years of age. Every tenth person in the world has experienced prostatitis in their lifetime.
Features of the course of the disease
The clinic for prostatitis in men is diverse, depending on the individual characteristics of the body, general state of health and lifestyle. Prostatitis is asymptomatic in men between 35 and 40 years of age. The first signs are noticeable after almost a year. In medicine, it is customary to distinguish 2 forms of the disease:
- contagious;
- stagnant (not contagious).
In the first case, the infection is localized in the pelvic organs, in the second - in the prostate area, blood flow is obstructed, the work of the gland is disturbed.
Factors affecting the development of the inflammatory process
The inflammation is characterized by an acute and chronic course. The acute form of the disease is accompanied by a high fever, pain in the lumbar and sacrum areas, and discomfort in the reproductive organs. Acute prostatitis starts suddenly. Its appearance is provoked by genitourinary infections:
- Cystitis;
- Pyelonephritis;
- Urethritis;
- Venereal diseases.
Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Escherichia coli are the most important pathogens.
Inflammation of the prostate in young men: causes and consequences
The disease first becomes noticeable at the age of 30-40 years. The cause of prostatitis can be trichomonas, chlamydia, ureaplasma - the causative agents of prostatitis that provoke its appearance.
Visiting a specialist is a difficult step. Young people are ashamed of their problems, postpone the doctor's visit and thereby exacerbate the situation. The infection spreads quickly, which speeds up the onset of prostate inflammation. Consequences of early prostate treatment in young men:
- restricted urinary function:
- there are problems with potency;
- Reproductive function is inhibited;
- Relapses of prostatitis are more common;
- Calcifications and scars appear.
The appearance of the first symptoms of inflammation of the prostate should be a signal to contact a doctor. A person should take care of their health if they experience the following symptoms:
- the urge to urinate occurs more often;
- Discomfort and pain are felt when urinating;
- after using the toilet, the urge to urinate does not go away;
- the erection is weakened or disappears;
- the attraction to the partner decreases.
Ignoring the signs will cause advanced prostatitis to become chronic in men. The production of prostate secretion, which belongs to the sperm, is reduced.
Causes of prostatitis in men
It is believed that prostatitis is caused by infection.
- Infectious way. The main causes of prostatitis are the multiplication of microorganisms that enter the bloodstream and, with their current, spread throughout the body. This is how primary infection occurs. Secondary occurs when the inflammatory process was not noticed in time and spreads. In the urinary tract, pathological processes occur that provoke the appearance of prostatitis, the cause of which is intestinal diseases of the reproductive system. Infection occurs in two ways. Ascending occurs when an infection enters the prostate through the opening of the urinary canal. A descending path occurs when infected urine is the source of infection.
- Weak immune system. Irregular sleep-wake rhythm, poor nutrition, alcohol and smoking addiction, and chronic stress are causes of reduced immunity. He is unable to withstand infectious agents.
- Violation of blood circulation. An impaired blood flow as the cause of a disease is a consequence of a lack of exercise, poor heart function and diseases of the nervous system. The blood in the pelvic organs begins to circulate poorly. The result is a lack of oxygen and inflammation of the prostate.
- Lack of regular intimate life and unprotected sex as reasons for developing prostatitis. Inflammation can occur as a result of a lack or excess of intimate life. Young men who lead an overly active life suffer from a rapid drop in potency, hormonal imbalance and glandular secretion. Interrupted intercourse is one factor that affects a man's health.
- Prostate injury from vibration sickness. Drivers often suffer from impaired prostate function due to the constant vibrations. This is a common cause of prostatitis in men.
- Alcohol and cigarette abuse are the causes of prostatitis. Scientifically proven: Systematic drunkenness leads to swelling of the prostate tissue. If the immune barrier is weak, favorable conditions are created for the penetration of microorganisms.
- Features of the diet. Food treated with chemicals can trigger malignant neoplasms. Prostate cancer ranks first in the mortality rate in men after 50 years.
- Phimosis is the cause of the development of the inflammatory process. This is a disease that is characterized by incomplete opening of the head of the penis. Phimosis is common in newborn babies. Phimosis in this case is a congenital defect. If treated right away, it will go away after a few months. For an adult man, phimosis is a serious problem, not only physically but also mentally. When the glans is completely closed, fluid accumulates underneath, which is a favorable breeding ground for bacteria. Pathogenic microbes cause prostatitis. Treatment for phimosis in adulthood includes surgery.
- The presence of stones in the prostate is a requirement for inflammation to set in.
- Occupational illness.
- The pathological structure of the prostate can be the cause of inflammation, as the prostate secretion stagnates in the urinary tract.
- Hormonal disorders. Low hormone levels affect your sex drive. A prolonged lack of sex can lead to the formation of venous congestion.
Varieties and symptoms of the disease
Chronic prostatitis at an advanced stage can develop into sepsis. Acute prostatitis is characterized by the following symptoms:
- Fever;
- Urinary retention;
- whitish discharge begins to appear in the urine.
Chronic prostatitis is a recurring form of the disease. A focus of inflammation is a place where microbes multiply that settle in the genitourinary tract and infect tissues. The consequence of an early visit to the doctor is chronic cystitis.
Nine out of ten cases of chronic prostatitis are the reason for going to the doctor. The reasons for men are the same: pathogens of an infectious nature.
Chronic asymptomatic prostatitis: causes in mature men
The chronic prostatitis described does not belong to any of the groups listed. The reason for its occurrence is the physiological features that appear in older men. The patient does not complain about the severity of the symptoms. A person only learns of the presence of a disease through tests or surgery. It is less commonly diagnosed in patients whose age has passed the forty-year mark. The causes of chronic prostatitis:
- Infections;
- pathogenic microbes.
Chronic prostatitis caused by an infection is very difficult to treat with medication.
Congestive prostatitis occurs in young people due to an irregular sex life, when the gland is most active. No reliable reasons for its occurrence have been identified. Signs that characterize congestive prostatitis:
- Weakening of sexual desire;
- Lack of vivid orgiastic sensations;
- weak erection;
- the desire to urinate in the morning is especially pronounced;
- Difficulty urinating is practically invisible.
The causes of prostatitis are not yet fully understood. It is known that men with somatic diseases are more likely to suffer from the inflammatory process:
- Bowel disease, stool disorder;
- chronic bronchitis, ARVI;
- the presence of foci in other organs (tooth decay, tonsillitis);
- transmitted venereal diseases;
- Immunopathologies.
Pathogenic microorganisms invade tissues and form stagnation. What are the causes of infectious diseases of the prostate? The factors that help spread the infection are:
- Completeness;
- systematic drunkenness;
- Smoking;
- uncomfortable, tight clothing;
- prolonged exposure to cold;
- Car trips are common.
Treatment of prostatitis: features of therapy
Therapy for prostatitis is prescribed by a doctor depending on the form and features of the course of the disease. The causes of prostatitis in men are taken into account. With acute prostatitis, the patient is prescribed antibiotics that can penetrate the tissues of the diseased organ. Chronic prostatitis is treated comprehensively and includes treatment with drugs, immunomodulators, prostate massage, physiotherapy. Non-bacterial chronic prostatitis is treated with non-steroidal drug treatment. In addition, drugs with a sedative effect are prescribed.
The prostate can begin to change if the disease becomes severe. There is an abscess, urinary tract disease, prostate sclerosis, extensive edema.
The causes of prostate adenoma lie in the early referral to a specialist. Regular visits to the urologist for prophylaxis will help protect yourself. The disease affects more and more young men. At 30, the disease is easier to prevent than cure. Prevention rules are designed to exclude destructive factors. A man who takes care of his health should lead a healthy lifestyle, play sports, wear comfortable underwear made of natural fabrics, avoid excessively low and high temperatures, and monitor diet. Regular sex life is a prerequisite for maintaining good health in men. Knowing the causes of prostatitis and following simple rules can help a person maintain reproductive health for many years.